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What is chiliz price?

The current Chiliz price is $0.13. In the last 24 hours Chiliz price moved +3.45%. The current CHZ to USD conversion rate is $0.13 per CHZ. The circulating supply of Chiliz is 8,885,312,603 CHZ and the current Chiliz market cap is $1,139,958,951. 1,080,227 CHZ was purchased today on Kraken worth $138,590.

What is chiliz coin?

Chiliz coin is the utility token and a digital currency of the Chiliz ecosystem. It is an ERC20 token (also BEP20) which means CHZ is created on the Ethereum blockchain.

Where can I buy chiliz (CHZ)?

CHZ tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges. The most popular exchange to buy and trade Chiliz is Binance, where the most active trading pair CHZ/USDT has a trading volume of $35,879,883 in the last 24 hours. Other popular options include and DigiFinex. What is the daily trading volume of Chiliz (CHZ)?

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